We often hear that our education is divorced from practice, that it bears no relativity to life. However, learning at school is effective precisely because the learning process is linked to life itself. As teachers we constantly provide children with tools that they can use in their everyday life. When we are in lessons, we directly see, hear and experience scenarios for ourselves and this case study method helps to connect theory with practice.
Its main purpose is to develop the ability to understand problems and find solutions to them, to learn how to work with the information provided. At the same time, the emphasis is not on obtaining ready-made knowledge, but on the student’s development, on the relationship and understanding of the how the teacher and student can foster learning to the maximum.
With case method, specific answers are not given, they must be found independently. This allows students, based on their own experience, to formulate conclusions, put into practice the knowledge they have gained and offer their own (or their groups) view of the problem. In the case, the problem is presented in an implicit, hidden form, and generally it does not have an unambiguous solution.
As a result of using this technology, students gain experience in making decisions, acting in a new situation, solving problems. Their ability to work with text, means that there is a correlation of theoretical and practical knowledge, helping them to master practical skills.
An example of using case study technology in a lesson about the world.
Block module: The role of man in nature and society.
1 task. Case study technology.
There is a text with tasks on the tables (N. Sladkov “Zhaleikin and the frog”).
Read it. Discuss the text in the group and give answers to the questions.
What facts have you learned about the frog’s life?
Why did the frog almost die under Zhaleikin’s “care”?
What did Zhaleikin not know?
To make it clear what we are talking about, let’s read the text aloud.
Discussion of answers to questions.
Did Zhaleikin make an equivalent replacement?/From the math lesson, remember the rules of substitution. How can I replace it? /Equal to equal/.
Conclusion: Zhaleikin replaces the living conditions of a frog with the living conditions of a human.
What technique did N. Sladkov use? /The substitution rule is equivalence/
You said, “Zhaleikin didn’t know.” And what is the basis of knowledge?
Conclusion: Knowledge is based on concrete facts. Without knowing the facts, we can only assume or fantasise. Facts are the basis of knowledge.
- Working in groups with pictures from a story.
Pictures: Girls riding on the bus. They’re in the front seat. An old lady enters. One girl turned away, pretending not to notice the old lady. The other one gave way to her.
- Look at the pictures.
- Restore the sequence of events.
- What’s going on? How do you rate the girls’ behavior? What facts
can you provide to confirm your opinion?
- We have established that there are certain rules. What is a “rule? Where can I find out? (The rule is stable relationships and connections between facts. Stable relationships also exist between people — these are the rules… complete (behaviors)).
- Write down synonyms for the word “rule”.
- Come up with and write down a rule that is important, in your opinion, for the life of the class, school.
- Tim Sobakin also came up with a rule for jumping over puddles … for hippos. Write down the text of the rule. Stage the “Rule of jumping over puddles” by Tim Sobakin.
- Is this a serious rule?
- Bottom line: Do you think it’s important to know and follow the rules in life?
Behavior in public places and in transport is regulated by certain rules. Talk through the rules of behavior in transport.
Conclusion: due to the small life experience of elementary school students, the use of case methods has not been widely used in elementary school. However, primary school teachers can use practical cases in their work that reflect typical situations that are most common in life.
Almost any teacher who wants to implement case technologies will be able to do so. I would like to advise you not to be afraid to use the case method in elementary school, because it is aimed not so much at mastering specific knowledge or skills, as at developing the general intellectual and communicative potential of students. And this is exactly what the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education calls us to do.
Natalia Shevchenko, Russian language teacher