Learning Starts Here

The International School of St. Petersburg provides children with experiences that help them develop a positive attitude towards learning. Students will be more willing to learn new things when they feel comfortable. We encourage composure, responsibility and respect for others.

Early Childhood Education Curriculum Review

Children’s drawings and artwork adorn classroom walls and language materials help them develop communication and language skills. The accompanying materials related to the topics being taught, as well as the ever-changing play space, add even more excitement.

Language and literacy

Speech and literacy play a central role in language learning and provide a strong foundation for further development. Emphasis is placed on speaking, listening, pre-reading and pre-writing skills.


In Arithmetic, children are introduced to basic mathematics and counting through practical activities and through simple mathematical language that is easy to understand.

Knowledge and understanding of the environment

Children of early preschool age gain basic knowledge and understanding of the environment, other people and the features of the natural and man-made world. 

Personal, social and emotional development

Personal, social and emotional development aims to enable children to learn to engage, play, interact with others and work in groups outside the family.

Physical development

Physical development programs are aimed at helping children develop control over their physical abilities, mobility, understanding of space and behavior both indoors and outdoors. Children are encouraged to develop positive attitudes towards a healthy and active lifestyle.

The preschool education program provides children with the necessary knowledge and skills to achieve good results in the future, thereby preparing them for primary school education. By the end of the school year, children will have mastered most of the skills and abilities in each of the seven aspects:  

  • Language and communication

  • Physical development

  • Personal, social and emotional development

  • Literacy

  • Mathematics

  • Understanding the world

  • Expressive arts and design

Assessment in EYFS is constant, with specific observations being made once a term that are used to discuss progress and targets during October and March Parent Teacher Conferences and December and June reports.